SNAP Canada

Biodiversity – Quebec on its way to miss international targets

Montreal, January 26th, 2016 – Nature Quebec and CPAWS Quebec (SNAP Quebec) unveil today the first assessment of Quebec’s actions to protect biodiversity, in presence of Mr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Named “Nagoya+”, in reference to the commitments taken by the international community in Japan in 2010, this report aims to assess Quebec’s progress in terms of biodiversity protection and offers recommendations to ensure the province will meet the minimal 2020 objectives. Click here to read the full release.   Media Global News – Quebec lagging in biodiversity targets Radio Canada – Québec tarde à respecter ses engagements pour le respect de la biodiversité Le Journal de Montreal – Protection de la biodiversité: Québec en voie de rater ses engagements internationaux La Presse – Biodiversité: le Québec incapable de respecter ses engagements